Friday 31 March 2017

What is the difference between transverse and longitudinal waves

The difference between transverse and longitudinal waves is the direction the medium of the wave moves in relation to the direction of wave propagation. In transverse waves, the medium is displaced perpendicular to the direction of the wave. In longitudinal waves, the medium is displaced parallel to the direction of the wave
Image result for a Longitudinal wave and a Transverse wave.Image result for a Longitudinal wave and a Transverse wave.

A wave on a string is the classic example of a transverse wave. Each part of the string moves up and down while the wave moves from side to side. Transverse waves can not happen in gases because the perpendicular motion is not created by any force.
A Slinky is a great way to visualize longitudinal waves. Each part of the Slinky moves from side to side, just like the wave itself.

Image result for a Longitudinal wave and a Transverse wave.Image result for a Longitudinal wave and a Transverse wave.
Sound waves are longitudinal pressure waves in the air. Water waves involve a combination of transverse and longitudinal waves. The water moves up and down, but also back and forth. Each particle in the water ends up moving in a circular fashion. Earthquakes also have different kinds of waves. The primary waves, called P waves, move with the highest velocity and are transverse waves. Secondary waves, called S waves, are longitudinal waves and occur seconds after the primary waves.

Longitudinal Waves 

Image result for a Longitudinal wave and a Transverse wave.
In a longitudinal wave, the motion of the medium is parallel to the direction of the wave . This means that the particles move left and right which in turn makes the other particles start to oscillate. Sound waves are longitudinal waves.
Another example of a longitudinal wave is a P wave or primary wave during an earthquake. P waves are also known as compressional waves, because of the pushing and pulling they do

Transverse Waves

Image result for a Longitudinal wave and a Transverse wave.
A transverse wave is a wave in which the motion of the medium is a right angles to the direction of the wave.
A wave on a rope is a transverse wave. Light and other electromagnetic waves are also transverse waves.
Another type of transverse wave is the S wave or secondary wave, which is the second wave you feel in an earthquake

Transverse waves

Light and other types of electromagnetic radiation are transverse waves. Water waves and S waves (a type of seismic wave) are also transverse waves. In transverse waves, the vibrations are at right angles to the direction of travel

Longitudinal waves

Sound waves and waves in a stretched spring are longitudinal waves. P waves (relatively fast moving longitudinal seismic waves that travel through liquids and solids) are also longitudinal waves. In longitudinal waves, the vibrations are along the same direction as the direction of travel

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