Saturday 29 April 2017

The reactions with acyl chlorides and with acid anhydrides

That means that the lone pair is no longer fully available to combine with hydrogen ions. 
The nitrogen is still the most electronegative atom in the molecule, and so the delocalised
 electrons will be attracted towards it, but the electron density around the nitrogen is nothing
 like it is in, say, an ammonia molecule.
The other problem is that if the lone pair is used to join to a hydrogen ion, it is no longer 
available to contribute to the delocalisation. That means that the delocalisation would have
 to be disrupted if the phenylamine acts as a base. Delocalisation makes molecules more
 stable, and so disrupting the delocalisation costs energy and won't happen easily.
Taken together - the lack of intense charge around the nitrogen, and the need to break
 some delocalisation - means that phenylamine is a very weak base indeed.

The acylation of phenylamine
The reactions with acyl chlorides and with acid anhydrides
These are reactions in which the phenylamine acts as a nucleophile. There is no essential
 difference between these reactions and the same reactions involving any other primary
 amine. You will find a summary of the reactions below, but all the detailed explanations
 are on other pages.

We'll take ethanoyl chloride as a typical acyl chloride, and ethanoic anhydride as a typical
 acid anhydride. The important product of the reaction of phenylamine with either of these 
is the same.
Phenylamine reacts vigorously in the cold with ethanoyl chloride to give a mixture of solid
 products - ideally white, but usually stained brownish. A mixture of N-phenylethanamide 
(old name: acetanilide) and phenylammonium chloride is formed.
The overall equation for the reaction is:
With ethanoic anhydride, heat is needed. In this case, the products are a mixture of
 N-phenylethanamide and phenylammonium ethanoate.
The main product molecule (the N-phenylethanamide) is often drawn looking like this:
If you stop and think about it, this is obviously the same molecule as in the equation above, but it stresses the phenylamine part of it much more.
Looking at it this way, notice that one of the hydrogens of the -NH2 group has been replaced by an acyl group - an alkyl group attached to a carbon-oxygen double bond.
You can say that the phenylamine has been acylated or has undergone acylation.
Because of the nature of this particular acyl group, it is also described as ethanoylation. The hydrogen is being replaced by an ethanoyl group, CH3CO-.

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