Friday 31 March 2017

What is the definition of "acceleration due to gravity"

acceleration due to gravity refers to the constant value of 9.81 meter per second ^2 or 32.174 feet per second ^2. These values are used in physics with Newton's Second Law, which equates the relationship of a force to the product of mass and acceleration.

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While any object can be accelerated through applied forces, a free falling object within the earth's gravitational field is subject to this acceleration constant, assuming that friction is negligible. This value is also used for the scientific definition of weight, where it is equal to the product of the gravitational constant and mass. This explains why weights vary in environments with different gravitational fields

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When any object is moved then its speed is changed which is called velocity while the change in velocity is acceleration. When it is changed continues then it is in accelerating condition which is called the rate of acceleration. It is equal to the ratio of change in velocity with respect to time between the given paths. The vector quantity acceleration is used to show the increasing or decreasing speed or changing direction of object. 

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As we know that a free falling object is under the influence of gravity with an acceleration of 9.8 m/s in downward direction. The free falling objects are free from air resistance. This is the gravitational acceleration or acceleration under gravity denoted with the symbol of g with the standard value of 9.8 m/s but it is varied in different gravitational environments. Gravitational Fields widget is used for investigating the effect of location on the value of g. Let’s discuss about the calculation of acceleration due to gravitational force and its properties 

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