Saturday 29 April 2017

The reactions of amines with acids

The easiest way of looking at the basic properties of amines is to think of an amine as a modified ammonia molecule. In an amine, one or more of the hydrogen atoms in ammonia has been replaced by a hydrocarbon group.
Replacing the hydrogens still leaves the lone pair on the nitrogen unchanged - and it is the lone pair on the nitrogen that gives ammonia its basic properties. Amines will therefore behave much the same as ammonia in all cases where the lone pair is involved.

The reactions of amines with acids
These are most easily considered using the Bronsted-Lowry theory of acids and bases - the base is a hydrogen ion acceptor. We'll do a straight comparison between amines and the familiar ammonia reactions.
A reminder about the ammonia reactions
Ammonia reacts with acids to produce ammonium ions. The ammonia molecule picks up a hydrogen ion from the acid and attaches it to the lone pair on the nitrogen.
If the reaction is in solution in water (using a dilute acid), the ammonia takes a hydrogen ion (a proton) from a hydroxonium ion. (Remember that hydrogen ions present in solutions of acids in water are carried on water molecules as hydroxonium ions, H3O+.)
If the acid was hydrochloric acid, for example, you would end up with a solution containing ammonium chloride - the chloride ions, of course, coming from the hydrochloric acid.
You could also write this last equation as:
. . . but if you do it this way, you must include the state symbols. If you write H+ on its own, it implies an unattached hydrogen ion - a proton. Such things don't exist on their own in solution in water.
If the reaction is happening in the gas state, the ammonia accepts a proton directly from the hydrogen chloride:
This time you produce clouds of white solid ammonium chloride.
The corresponding reactions with amines
The nitrogen lone pair behaves exactly the same. The fact that one (or more) of the hydrogens in the ammonia has been replaced by a hydrocarbon group makes no difference.
For example, with ethylamine:
If the reaction is done in solution, the amine takes a hydrogen ion from a hydroxonium ion and forms an ethylammonium ion.
The solution would contain ethylammonium chloride or sulphate or whatever.
Alternatively, the amine will react with hydrogen chloride in the gas state to produce the same sort of white smoke as ammonia did - but this time of ethylammonium chloride.
These examples have involved a primary amine. It would make no real difference if you used a secondary or tertiary one. The equations would just look more complicated.
The product ions from diethylamine and triethylamine would be diethylammonium ions and triethylammonium ions respectively.

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